Meet the Team

Know More About Dr. Arthur Blouin

Know More About Dr. Jane Blouin

The Directors

Dr. Arthur Blouin and Dr. Jane Blouin are the founders and current Directors of the Centre for Cognitive Therapy. They are the senior Psychologists who oversee the operation of the Centre.

As Directors of the Centre, Dr. Arthur Blouin and Dr. Jane Blouin have assembled a team of outstanding therapists with varied research backgrounds, each bringing specific areas of expertise to the Centre.

Our Psychologists & Psychotherapists

Our Psychologists are registered with the Ontario College of Psychologists, which maintains extremely rigorous standards of practice. They have all completed PhDs and are strong advocates of using evidence-based approaches to therapy. This is primarily Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, but incorporates many elements of Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and Metacognitive Therapy.

Our Psychotherapists are registered with The College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario, which upholds standards of practice for the profession. All of our psychotherapists hold a Masters Degree in Counselling, Psychology or Education in Counselling. Our psychotherapists receive 3 hours per week of supervision from senior psychologists on our staff. The psychologist is the Service Provider in these cases and provides diagnosis (where applicable), case conceptualization and treatment plan, as well as modifications to the treatment plan when necessary.

Let us help you match with a therapist who connects with you

Work with a dedicated therapist based on your clinical goals and preferences. Learn more about our matching process.