Anxiety & Stress

Anxiety & Stress

The Stress and Anxiety Disorder Clinic at the Centre for Cognitive therapy was developed from the model used at the Stress Management Clinic at the Ottawa Civic Hospital founded by Dr. Jane Blouin. This clinic has been expanded to assess and treat a variety of Anxiety Disorders as well as general psychological stress using modern Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy approaches.

Our Experience

The staff at the Stress and Anxiety Disorder Clinic are highly experienced in the identification and treatment of stress and Anxiety Disorders. All of the staff are experienced at identifying the psychological roots of chronic stress and various forms of Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders. There are a variety of treatment approaches that are tailored to individual needs in a collaborative atmosphere.

A Common Problem

Everyone experiences stress to some degree. Many life experiences such as job promotion or home buying are positive experiences that may include a certain amount of healthy stress. It is widely recognized however that psychological stress, if excessive or prolonged, can lead to a variety of serious problems including depression and anxiety. Serious physical illnesses such as heart disease, immune disorders, stroke, gastro-intestinal disorders, headaches and numerous other psychological and physical ailments have also been closely linked to psychological stress. Intense stressful trauma can lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a particularly devastating psychological reaction requiring treatment.

Many people experience ongoing chronic stress without any of these life events contributing to their stress. The therapists at the Ottawa Centre for Cognitive Therapy are trained to identify the roots of stress in people’s lives whether it is due to life events, or is associated with other factors in their life. A variety of effective strategies are available as treatment options. The best approach is individually tailored to the client in a collaborative and supportive environment.

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